
Welcome to the Moreland Hills Physical Education website!

When we

Enter this gym,

Learning is fun and

Cooperation is expected.

Our positive attitude &

Mutual respect is part of

Everything we do and say.

In addition to this website, you can follow Coach Z and Mrs. Gold on Twitter to get weekly info and see pics of our students in action. You can follow us @CoachZ_MHSPE and/or @Gold_MHSPE


Dear Parents/Guardians:

Hello! The Physical Education department would like to welcome you to the 2017-2018 school year at Moreland Hills Elementary School. The PE staff includes Jennifer Gold and Chad Zubkousky. We would like to take a moment to share with you the exciting PE program and goals we have planned for your child this year. Our mission as teachers is to dedicate ourselves to providing each child with a love of physical education, which will help to encourage healthy lifestyle choices in his/her future. This is the mission that guides us through each class, each week, and each year.

When the children walk through the doors to our gym, they hold within themselves limitless potential. We feel it is our job to ensure that all of our students are given the opportunity and encouragement that it takes to achieve their potential. We strongly believe that PE class should be a positive experience for all children, and we are determined to create a classroom environment that will make students feel confident and proud of what they are able to accomplish. In order to create this environment, we feel it is essential that all children be treated with respect and compassion. Our only request is that the children in turn, respect themselves, their peers and us their teachers. We will continue to implement the required physical education assessment from the Ohio Department of Education. The assessment will be given to students who are in 2ndgrade, as well as 5thgrade. If your child is in one of these grades, their skills will be tested in a variety of ways. We will have performance assessments as well as written assessments. The assessment however will not be reflected on their report card grades.

Physical education is an important part of your child's learning at Moreland Hills. Not only does physical activity help the body, but it helps to improve the mind as well. Physical activity is good for your brain, because it increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain. Studies have proven that students are able to think better and increase test scores when getting more movement and activity. So, let's keep everyone active in order to have healthier body and a healthier mind!


We are eagerly anticipating an exciting year of physical education and FUN with your child. We have many new skills to learn and games to play. We consider parents and guardians “partners in the physical education process.” Therefore, we encourage you to promote wellness to your children. We also welcome any suggestions or ideas you may be able to provide us. Also, please make sure that they are prepared with proper athletic shoes on their PE days. If you have any questions or specific concerns about your child or our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your time and support!

Chad & Jen