Mrs. Bellinger's Class

I am a change agent and believe all students can learn.

Dear Parents,

Thanks for visiting our classroom page. I'm so pleased to be working with your child this year. I have taught at Cloverland for the past thirty years. My how the time has flown! During my career, I have taught both primary and intermediate grades. I have also taught a specialized reading class and the gifted class. Each year brings the wonderful opportunity to get to know more creative, inspiring, and talented students.

Please visit this webpage to see the interesting projects and learn more about our classroom activities. As you will see, we are hard workers in room 10. In order to achieve our goals and have the most successful year, we follow strict guidelines in the classroom. This will ensure students the right to an excellent education.

I know that raising children is a rewarding and can sometimes be a challenging experience. I have two boys Jacob (12 yrs.) and Drew (14 yrs.). I understand what it feels like to send your child to school and hope that they work with a teacher who is caring, patient, and most importantly up to the challenge of helping them reach their potential. This is a task I take very seriously.

Please understand that I will ask your child to strive for excellence. Yes, they will make mistakes and get frustrated from time to time. We will help them see that this is part of the learning process. Goals will be reached, but not without your guidance. Together we can make this school one of your child's best!


Mrs. Bellinger


Today in class, students worked on identifying text features: captions, photos, time lines, etc. They worked in surgical teams in order to locate and glue examples of text features onto their patient, Joe. Luckily for Joe, our medical teams knew what they were doing. Good job surgeons!