
James Henry Atkinson, a British scientist, invented the mousetrap in 1897. His invention, known as the "Little Nipper," received a patent in 1897. The mousetrap was the prototype of the mousetrap car. The Little Nipper slams shut in 38,000s of a second and that record has never been beaten. This is the design that has prevailed until today.This mousetrap has captured a sixty percent share of the British mousetrap market alone, and an estimated equal share of the international market.

James Atkinson sold his mousetrap patent in 1913 for 1,000 pounds to Procter, the company that has been manufacturing the "Little Nipper" ever since, and has even erected a 150-exhibit mousetrap museum in their factory headquarters.

Source; http://inventors.about.com/od/mstartinventions/a/mousetrap.htm