1. Rules and Rubric


The rules are simple. If all you give me is a rectangular cutting board with an inlay, even if you manage to get it perfect, the very top mark you could earn would be a level 3. In order to get a level 4 you need to impress me a little. The complexity of your inlay in addition to the creativity of your cutting board is what will earn you that level 4.

However, remember to keep it fairly simple as this will count as your summative assignment. At the end what really counts is pride of ownership. If you give me something that was just too complex for you to complete in the timeline provided, the quality just wont be there and you will loose your chance of proving to me (and to yourself) that you can do this....

In order to do this project you will be given 1 board Foot of solid wood (oak or maple). For an additional cost of $5.00 you will be provided with an extra board foot of the same material. You will also be provided with a piece of specialty wood (cherry, padauk, walnut) roughly 1"x1"x12". Any additional material can be purchased. See Mr. Leduc for exact prices (depending of size of material)


This activity is designed for formal assessment or evaluation, teachers may consider assessing or evaluating based on effort, quality of workmanship, and/or the demonstration of structural concepts acquired.


Overall Expectation A2, C2, D2, B4


Overall Expectation A3, B2

Procedure List

Overall Expectation A1, B1


Overall Expectation A4