

Real Analysis with Economic Applications

Efe A. Ok

Book Description and Endorsements

Table of Contents

Chapter A: Preliminaries of Real Analysis


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Chapter B: Countability

Addenda: Section B.4.3 (Rewritten)

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Chapter C: Metric Spaces


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Chapter D: Continuity I

Addenda: The Ekeland Variational Principle / Proof of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem / Motzkin's Characterization of Convex Sets

Corrections: The Thoughtful Correction of Footnote 47 by Douglas Bridges / Typos

Chapter E: Continuity II



Chapter F: Linear Spaces


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Chapter G: Convexity


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Chapter H: Economic Applications



Chapter I: Metric Linear Spaces


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Chapter J: Normed Linear Spaces



Chapter K: Differential Calculus

Addenda: On the Existence of Approximate Stationary Points

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Hints to Selected Exercises


Corrections: Correction to Exercise F.3

Probability Theory and Measure with Economic Applications

Efe A. Ok

Preface (TBW)

Table of Contents

Chapter A: Preliminaries

Elements of Set Theory / The Real Number System / Countability / The Cantor Set / The Vitali Paradox

Chapter B: Probability via Measure Theory

Measurable Spaces / (Borel) Probability Spaces / Constructions of Probability Spaces (Coin Toss Space, Markov Chains, etc.) / The Lebesgue Measure / The Sierpinski Class Lemma

Chapter C: Random Variables

Measurable Functions / Transformations and Approximations of Random Variables / Information Content of a Random Variable / The Doob-Dynkin Lemma / Distribution of a Random Variable

Chapter D: Expectation via the Lebesgue Integral

The Lebesgue Integral / Absolute Continuity / Convergence Theorems / Application: Stochastic Dominance / The Riesz-Markov-Kakutani Representation Theorem / Application: Choquet's Theorem / Expectation of Banach Space-Valued Random Variables

Chapter E: Lp Spaces

Elementary Probability Inequalities / Lp Spaces / The Riesz-Fischer Theorem / Application: Proof of the Radon-Nikodym Theorem / Lp-Approximation by Lipschitz Maps / Lp Spaces of Banach Space-Valued Random Variables / Uniform Integrability

Chapter F: Expectation via the Stieltjes Integral

The Stieltjes Integral / The Riemann Integral / The Lebesgue Criterion / Expectation as a Stieltjes Integral / Integration by Parts / Application: More on Stochastic Dominance / Application: Portfolio Diversification / Application: Measurement of Income Inequality  / Generalizations of the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus / The Banach-Zarecki Theorem

Chapter G: Weak Convergence

Weak Convergencee of Probability Measures / Weak Convergence of Random Variables / Poisson Limit Theorem / The Prokhorov Metrization / Properties of P(X) / Afine Represeantation Lemma /  Application: The Expected Utility Theory / Prokhorov's Theorem / Application: The Optimal Transport Problem /  Application: Markov-Feller Transition Kernels

Chapter H: Product of Measure Spaces

Finite Products of Measure Spaces / Weak Convergence of Product Probability Measures / n-Dimensional Lebesgue Measure / Tonelli-Fubini Theorems and their Applications / Application: Markov Processes with the Doeblin Condition / Application: Mixed Equilibria in Games / Infinite Products of Probability Spaces / Kolmogorov Consistency Theorem / Construction of Discrete-Time Markov Processes

Chapter I: Stochastic Independence

Independence of Collections of Events / Independence of Random Variables / Product Measures and Independence / The Convolution Formula / I.i.d. Random Variables / Application: Counting Record Values / Existence of Independent Random Variables  / Kolmogorov 0-1 Law / Hewitt-Savage 0-1 Law

Chapter J: A Primer on Probability Limit Theorems

Upper and Lower Limits of Sets / Convergence in Probability / Laws of Large Numbers / Applications: Bernstein Polynomials, Approximate Caratheodory's Theorem, Monte Carlo Integration, Convergence of Empirical Distributions / The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas / Maximal Inequalities / Convergence of Series of Random Variables / Central Limit Theorems; Trotter's proof 

Chapter K: Stationary Sequences and Ergodic Theory

Stationary Random Sequences / Ergodicity / Ergodic Theorems / Applications

Chapter L: Stochastic Dependence

Conditional Expectation / Properties of Conditional Expectation / Regular Conditional Distributions / Conditional Independence / de Finetti's Theorem

Chapter M: Optimal Stopping Theory

Chapter N: Markov Processes in Discrete Time

Appendix 1: Mathematical Analysis on the Real Line

Appendix 2: Metric Spaces

Appendix 3: Normed Linear Spaces

Elements of Order Theory

Efe A. Ok

Preface (TBW)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Preordered Sets and Posets

Binary Relations / Equivalence Relations / Order Relations / Preordered Linear Spaces / Representation through Complete Preorders / Extrema / Parameters of Posets / Suprema and Infima

Chapter 2: Lattices

Elements of Lattice Theory / Modular Lattices / Distributive Lattices / Lattice Ordered Algebraic Systems / Functions on Lattices

Chapter 3: Order-Preserving Maps

Notions of Monotonicity / Order Preservation on Algebraic Structures / Galois Connections / Order-Preserving Correspondences / An Application to Optimization Theory

Chapter 4: Order-Isomorphisms

Order-Isomorphisms / Fundamental Isomorphism Theorems for Lattices / Dedekind-MacNeille Completion

Chapter 5: Mobius Functions

Motivation: Inversion Problems on Posets / Incidence Algebras / Mobius Functions / Mobius Algebras

Interlude: Axiom of Choice

The Axiom of Choice / Digression: Paradoxical Consequences of the Axiom of Choice

Chapter 6: Zorn's Lemma and its Applications

Chains and Antichains, Again / The Hausdorff Maximal Principle / An Application to Optimization Theory / Zorn's Lemma / Applications of Zorn's Lemma / The Well-Ordering Principle

Chapter 6: Order-Theoretic Fixed Point Theory

Fixed Point Theory / Completeness Conditions for Posets, Again / Iterative Fixed Point Theorems / Tarski's Fixed Point Theorems / Converse of the Knaster-Tarski Theorem / The Abian-Brown Fixed Point Theorem / Fixed Points of Order-Preserving Correspondences

Chapter 7: The Brezis-Browder Ordering Principle and its Applications

A Selection of Ordering Principles / Applications to Fixed Point Theory / Applications to Variational Analysis / An Application to Convex Analysis

Chapter 8: Completions and Decompositions of Preordered Sets (TBW)

Chapter 9: Functional (Utility) Representation of Preorders (Incomplete)

Preliminaries / Representation through Order-Separability / Representation through Semicontinuity / The Open Gap Lemma / The Debreu-Eilenberg Representation Theorems / Multi-Utility Representation / Continuous Multi-Utility Representation / Finite Multi-Utility Representation

Chapter 10: Advances in Lattice Theory (TBW)

Appendix: A Primer on Topological Spaces (Incomplete)

Topological Spaces / Metric Spaces / The Hausdorff Metric / Topological Linear Spaces


Applied Point-Set Topology

Efe A. Ok

Preface (TBW)

Table of Contents

PART 1: Topology of Metric Spaces

Chapter 1: Metric Spaces

Chapter 2: Continuity in Metric Spaces

Chapter 3: Complete Metric Spaces

PART 2: Point-Set Topology

Chapter 4: Topological Spaces

Chapter 5: Products and Quotients

Chapter 6: Connectedness

Chapter 7: Compactness

Chapter 8: Topological Dynamics

Chapter 9: Fixed Point Theory

PART 3: More Point-Set Topology

Chapter 10: Normal Spaces

Chapter 11: Paracompactness

Chapter 12: CW Complexes

PART 4: Topological Algebra

Chapter 13: Topological Groups

Chapter 14: Topological Linear Spaces