Industrial Organization I (ECON-GA.1801.1.001.FA24)  Fall 2024


Boyan Jovanovic Revised 5/30/24  

Tue 10-12AM in room 736

          Office: 19 W. 4th St. room 729. Office hrs: by appointment

          Assistant: Jinglin Wang


First class Tuesday Sept. 3, last class Tuesday Dec. 3.  Our last class officially is Dec. 10 but instead of meeting then, we will meet on Tuesday Oct 15 which the academic calendar designates as “legislative Monday.” 


Notes and other material will be on NYU Brightspace. The homework is always based on the class notes. The papers are just for background.


REQUIREMENTS: A Problem set is due each Tuesday by 10AM by email, at which time I will present my answer in class. The homework will not require programming or handling data. I.e., it will involve mainly algebra. Your answer should be typed or written very clearly and photographed or scanned.  Class notes will be posted a day or two before each class.


Protocol: Regular attendance from those who are registered. Discuss the homework with others but do not share electronic files.  Auditors are welcome


       IO Field requirements:

P = Grade of B+ or better in “Industrial Organization I,” Jovanovic, Fall 2024, Daniel Waldinger “Industrial Organization II’” (Spring 2025 ) and Chris ConlonIndustrial Organization ” (Fall 2024. Thursdays 1:30-4:30 PM TBC)


And S = Grade of B or better in two courses: Any two of the following three

IO 2 (Waldinger), 

IO   (Conlon) 

IO 1 (Jovanovic), 

Contact: Jovanovic, Waldinger.


        This course also counts towards the Macroeconomics field. Requirements

P = Three courses plus attendance in the Macroeconomics Workshop (please note that students should NOT officially enroll in this workshop but must attend both semesters).

S = Same as P but no Macroeconomics Workshop requirement.

Courses include: .....

Contact: Borovicka, Fernandez, Jovanovic, Lagos, Menzio, Sargent



2024 IO day: The Twenty Second Annual IO Day workshop will be held (in person) at NYU Stern on Friday, September 6th, 2024. This year's program will soon be  here:  IO day will give you a good idea of current research in IO. I generally try to relate the class material to IO day talks and to upcoming IO talks. Check the IO seminar website for the upcoming talks for the Fall.


     Course outline


The following topics will be covered, but the order and emphasis will depend on what happens in class and on students’ interests. Our first class Sept 3 and we may do some prep for IO day.  The IO day schedule should be available by mid-August and I will update these notes then


          Bertrand and Cournot equilibria, Commitment, etc.


        Kreps & Scheinkman.Quantity precommitment..”Bell J. Econ. 83

   Davidson  & Deneckere  “…competition in capacity…and in priceRAND J. 86

   Spence "Monopoly, quality, and regulation." Bell Journal of Econ. 75. 

      Coase  “Durability and monopoly.J. Law and Econ.72


             Collusion, Prisoner's Dilemma


      Green & Porter “Noncooperative Collusion…” Econometrica 84

      Benoit & Krishna "Finitely Repeated Games" Econometrica 85


             Concession games


      Hendricks Weiss & Wilson. "The war of attrition in continuous time..." IER 88

      Cetemen & Margaria. "Exit dilemma: the role of private learning on firm survival." AEJ Micro 24 

      Beraja & Buera "The Life-Cycle of Concentrated Industries" wp March 24


               Customer capital & Switching Costs

      Cabral “Switching Costs & Equibrium Prices.” RED 16   

      Fishman & Rob. “The Durability of Information,& the Size of Firms.”  IER 95

      Dixit & Rob “Switching Costs & Sectoral Adjustments”…JET 1994


             Signaling, adverse selection

      Mailath “…Signaling…Continuum of Types.Econometrica 88

       Spence “..Responses to Signals….” JET 74

       Fuchs, Green & Papanikolaou. "… Slow Moving Capital…." JFE 16

       Milgrom & Roberts “Limit Pricing and Entry…Econometrica 1982

       Milgrom & Roberts “Pricing and Advertising Signals,” JPE 86

       Glosten & Milgrom “….heterogeneously informed traders” JFE 85

 Stiglitz and Weiss Credit Rationing …. Imperfect Information”  AER 81


          Lending, default, audits & Information design


Townsend “Costly State Verification” JET 79

Holmstrom & Tirole "Financial intermediation, loanable funds, and the real sector." QJE 97

Bernanke & Gertler Agency Costs, Net Worth, …” AER 89

Crawford & Sobel “Strategic Information TransmissionEconometrica 82

Kamenica & Gentzkow “Bayesian Persuasion” AER 11


              Bank Runs, Multiple equilibria


       Diamond & Dybvig “Bank Runs,…Liquidity.” JPE 83

       Allen & Gale. “ Financial Contagion,” JPE 00

       Davila & Goldstein "Optimal Deposit Insurance" JPE 23

        Assignment models

Landvoight, Piazzesi & Schneider "Housing markets in San Diego" AER 15

Gabaix & Landier. “Why Has CEO Pay Increased So Much?" QJE 08

Fernandez & Gali "..The Matching Problem with Borrowing Constraints" RES 99

        Waiting time and sampling problems

Dixit & Pindyck Investment under Uncertainty. Princeton U.P. 94

Easley & Kiefer"Controlling a process with unknown parameters." Econometrica 88

        Adaptive control with beliefs as a state


*Easley & Kiefer “Controlling a process with Unknown Parameters.Ecma ‘88 

       Kiefer & Nyarko “…Control of an Unknown Process with Learning.”  IER 89

       Li & Weinberg  “Firm-Specific Learning…” IER 03


                Rent-grabbing, patents


      Hegde, Herkenhoff & Zhu “Patent Publicaion & Innovation” nber wp 22

      Loury  “Market Structure & Innovation.” QJE 79

      Lee & Wilde. “Market Structure & Innovation.” QJE 80

      Reinganum “Uncertain Innovation & Persistence of Monopoly.” AER 83



        Entrepreneurship, Firms’ Internal Organization


      Garicano “Hierarchies…” JPE 00

      Prescott & Visscher “Organization Capital.’’ JPE 80.

      Kremer “O-ring Production FunctionQJE 93

      Lucas. "On the Size Distribution of Business Firms." Bell J 78

      Gabaix & Landier Why has CEO pay increased so much? QJE 08 Slides

      Eeckhout & Kircher “Assortative Matching with Large Firms.” Ecma 17


        Common priors vs. Agreeing to disagree


      Grossman &. Stiglitz “…Informationally Efficient Markets.  AER 80 

      Milgrom “Rational Expectations…Bidding.” Econometrica 1981

      Harrison  & Kreps “Speculative Investor Behavior ” QJE 78

      Guzman & Stiglitz  “…Pseudowealth…” 17

      Morris “Speculative Investor Behavior and Learning.” QJE 96  

      Scheinkman & Weiss “Borrowing Constraints…Econometrica 86


         Other topics from past yearsa few may be covered.

         Agency problems, Internal organization of the firm, persuasion


Ursu “The Power of Rankings,” 2017

Bergemann & Ozmen “…Recommender Systems.”        

      Crawford & Sobel “Strategic Information TransmissionEconometrica 82

      Grossman, S. “Warranties…” J. Law & Econ. 81


                Basics …


         Bayes rule, waiting-time distributions,

         the Bernoulli, Pareto, , Poisson distribution,  Hazard rates

         The renewal equation Gumbel, Logistic distributions

         Continuous-time and discrete-time Bellman equations


            Firm dynamics


Lucas & Prescott. “Investment under Uncertainty.” Econometrica 71  

      Hopenhayn, “Entry, Exit, and firm Dynamics…” Econometrica 92

Hopenhayn “.Exit, selection, and the value of firms.” JEDC (1992)

Kesten “Random Difference Equations,” Acta Mathematica 73

Whited “.Diversification discount?” 01 JF


         Price distributions 


Prescott “Efficiency of the Natural Rate” JPE 75  (preceded by short tour of search theory,  

with Stigler JPE 61  McCall JBus 65, Diamond JET 71 , Burdett AER 78  Burdett-Judd 83, Varian 80

Directed search Guerrieri & Shimer. “Dynamic Adverse Selection.’’ 12



        Technology diffusion


Manea. “Intermediation & Resale in Networks.” JPE 18

Bass. “Model for Product Growth…”  Mngmt Sc. 69

      Lucas & Moll: “Knowledge growth…” JPE 14

Perla & Tonetti: “ Imitation & Growth.” JPE 14


         Inequality and polarization of jobs & earnings


Piketty Capital in the 21st Century  Figures only 

Doppelt “The Hazards of Unemployment,” 2016 Slides

Ljungqvist & Sargent. "European unemployment dilemma." JPE 98

Landier “Entrepreneurship and the Stigma of Failure” 04

Autor & Dorn “… Polarization of the US Labor Market’’ AER 13

Anderson & Smith “Dynamic Matching…” RES 10

Pries & Rogerson “Declining Worker Turnover.” AEJ Macro 2021


Learning curves


Thompson “Learning by Doing.” Handbook… 10

Venezia “"On the statistical origins of the learning curve” EJOR


Inventories, speculation


      Hotelling, Harold. “The Economics of Exhaustible Resources.” JPE 31

      Deaton & Laroque “On the Behaviour of Commodity Prices.RES 92

Deaton & Laroque. “Competitive Storage and Commodity Price Dynamics.” JPE 96




Shapiro & Stiglitz “Unemployment as a discipline device.” AER 84  (limit pricing)

Golosov & Menzio "Agency Business Cycles" TE 20

Albuquerque & Hopenhayn “Optimal Lending Contracts and Firm Dynamics” RES 04

Clementi & Hopenhayn “A Theory of Financing Constraints & Firm Dynamics.” QJE 06


        Industry life cycle, demand shocks


       Gort & Klepper “Time Paths in the Diffusion of Product Innovations.” EJ 92,

       Rob,  “Learning and Capacity Expansion under Demand Uncertainty.”  RES 91


               Stigler vs. Shannon


       Stigler JPE 61 The Theory of Search

       Sims  “Rational Inattention....” JME 03 and Handbook 10



       Related to IO day 2019


      Grossman & Hart “Costs & Benefits of Ownership.’’JPE 86

Azevedo, et al. “The A/B Testing Problem.” At 10AM and

Liang, Mu, & Syrgkanis. “Dynamically Aggregating Diverse Information.” At 2:15PM

Zhong, W. “Optimal Dynamic Info. Acquisition.” 19