Senior Quotes

**Please read this entire form carefully!**

The senior quotes will be under the senior portraits in the yearbook.

Putting the quotes under the portraits requires a character limit. Here's a word counter for your convenience: Please be aware that in the yearbook, all quotes will be the same font/size.

The following requirements are not meant to limit your free speech or creativity, but your quotes, once printed, will remain as long as there are copies of the yearbook so choose your words with that in mind.


-  Only one quote submitted with your school Gmail account will be accepted. If you use any other email account to submit your quote, it will be deleted without notification.


- Sorry - no emojis of any kind!

-  Please use whole words - no text phrases, hashtags, or any references to social media accounts.

-  Absolutely no inappropriate language or references - These will be checked by several people including your peers and administration. Last year, there were quotes that were deleted as quickly as they were submitted, so please play it safe and don't try to encrypt your quote - it will be deleted without notification.

-  Please no "time coded" references to movies, TV shows, songs, etc., for example: The Office S12 E3 15:27.  If you want to quote a show, movie, song, etc., please just type it out it. Otherwise, it will be deleted without notification. It is just too much work to double check that kind of thing. 

DEADLINE  -  All senior quotes are due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. Some seniors missed out last year because they submitted their quotes too late. Please don't let that be you!

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO "SIGN" YOUR NAME TO THE QUOTE - Since the quotes are under your portraits, you do not need to put a " - Your Name" at the end of your quote if it's an original quote by you. The only time to do that is if you are quoting someone (or something) else and WANT to put their name down. But YOU DO NOT HAVE TO do this because it will count toward your character limit.

Generally speaking (but it's not an official rule or anything), if what you write is in quotes, people assume you are quoting someone. If what you write is not in quotes, the assumption is that you wrote it or that you are quoting a friend.