Helpful Math Websites & Apps

Check out the file below to access age appropriate app suggestions.

Greg Tang: Every activity has been designed to teach a critical skill or strategy while providing the repetition and practice required for mastery. This site includes assessment, on-demand modular courses that target key math concepts, 24/7 live online tutoring, and expert answers to math questions. In addition to solutions, offers exploratory and recreational introductions to the world of math that will lead to deeper understanding and enjoyment.

Tenmarks: Reinforces classroom instruction and builds deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Class code may be needed from teacher (if in use in the classroom).

Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.

Open Middle: Open middle problems require a greater depth of knowledge than most problems that assess procedural and conceptual understanding. They support the Common Core State Standards and provide students with opportunities for discussing their thinking.

Some additional characteristics of open middle problems include:

  • They often have multiple ways of solving them as opposed to a problem where you are told to solve it using a specific method. Example

  • They may involve optimization such that it is easy to get an answer but more challenging to get the best or optimal answer. Example

  • They may appear to be simple and procedural in nature but turn out to be more challenging and complex when you start to solve it. Example

  • They are generally not as complex as a performance task which may require significant background context to complete. Example