About Your Teacher

Hi, I'm Mrs. Buzzell!

This is my 15th year at Nottingham School; I teach three 7th grade science classes and one 8th grade science class. Previously, I taught middle school science and geography at the Rochester Middle School and I interned with the Newfound Challenge Program - an alternative school that integrated mountain biking and hiking.

My husband is also a middle school science teacher; we have three kids, a dog and a cat. When I'm not teaching, you can find me in my garden, reading a book in my favorite hammock, on a beach, or on top of a mountain. I recently tried white water rafting for the first time and did several hikes in Baxter State Park, and explored Acadia National Park.

I'm looking forward to meeting new 7th grade students and reconnecting with the 8th graders!

If you have questions or need to contact me, email is the fastest way to check in: rbuzzell@nottingham.k12.nh.us

I will reply as soon as possible; I check email before school and at the end of the day.