Weekly Newsletter

244 Newsletter

Week of April 5, 2021

Classroom Zoom Link:

Richards Zoom

Spring Break will be from Monday 3/29-Monday 4/5. Zoom instruction will begin again on Tuesday 4/6.

Our Learning


This week, in Phonics Workshop, we will continue learning about vowel teams. We will review the ou and ow teams and focus on the vowel team oo. In Reading Workshop, we will begin learning some strategies to help us with comprehension. In Shared Reading, we will begin a new book, Zelda and Ivy: The Runaways.


This week, we will continue our measurement chapter with a focus on telling time to the hour and half hour.

Writing Workshop

This week, we will begin writing realistic fiction- creating a character and planning/writing our first problem and solution.


  • Please make sure your child logs into his/her Google Classroom in the afternoon to complete the daily assignments. As we prepare for our transition to hybrid, lessons assigned each day will now be due by that evening at 9 pm. Completion of Google Classroom assignments count towards 30% of your child’s report card grades. Please make sure assignments are being completed, not just “turned in.”

  • On Fridays, please make sure your child logs into Google Classroom to complete his/her weekly science and social studies lessons. No live zoom instruction on Fridays.

  • Please make sure your child has his/her school supplies nearby. This includes pencils, books, paper, etc...

  • Please make sure your child logs into our classroom zoom at his/her scheduled time for small groups.

  • Cameras should be on during live instruction. Children must log back on to zoom after our snack break. Students should be wearing Northwood polos, gym shirts, sweatshirts or cardigans.

  • Please check and make sure that your child is not on Youtube during instruction or playing online games.