Canadian Law 2204

Unit 4 Specific Criminal Offences Test Monday May 16

Youth Criminal Justice act

Youth Justice Act Cartoon

Canadian Law Test Monday May 16 Based on the double sided review sheet passed out in class

Steven Truscott Video

Reefer Madness 2. Video from CBC "Nature of things". Looks at the case for decriminalizing Marijuana. Especially for medical use.

April 5

Steven Murray Truscott Case study assignment Due Friday April 8. Must be submitted in proper assignment format.... Cover page,clearly numbered questions, typed or neatly handwriten..

March 17

Finish Case studies on page  page 226,229 and 230 for Monday March 21st.

Feb 25

Test is based on your term sheets... along with Alternate Dispute Resolution notes.

Law Test Next Thursday March 3.

Pass in your terms at the same time for grading

Feb 11

Finish three case studies started in class Feb 8

Read pages 376-380 and complete the 5 questions on page 381

Do a search for a civil case in Canada..... due Feb 17 Day 8

You will need to:

1.       Provide a brief synopsis of what the case is. For example who the Defendant(s) and Plaintiff (s) are and why they are being sued

2.        What was the outcome of the case( who won)

3.       Give a brief summary to the class.

4.       Pass in your write up.

Jan 5 Complete questions on case studies page 253,254 and 257

Feb 2

Case studies Page 368 and 369. Please complete for next class on Thursday Feb 4.

Law Test Jan 15th

Test Friday Dec 18 Know your terms and be prepared to answer a question about the Mock Trial Activity.

Questions to complete for Monday Nov 30

page 172 #s 1,2,3,5,6

page 174 Q 1,2,3,4

Test Chapter 6 Tuesday November 24th

Home work

Nov 10

Donald Marshall Case Study/Video. Pass in on Friday November 13

Check out the Mock Trials Sub page below....

Resource links

Law Central Schools


Court Room Etiquette: What to do in Court?

Landlord Tenant: What to do in Court?

Foreclosure Matters: What to do in court?

Civil matters: What to do In court?

Intentional torts

Law Fun

Dumbest Things said in Court


Civil Law in Canada

Federal Department of Justice

Wrongly convicted in Canada

Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanL11)

Try Judging

Professor Quirrel's death

Justice Denied The Donald Marshall Story

 Donald Marshall Story

Unit 1 Test October 29th

15 Multiple choice and  5 Short answer questions 1 Case study

Homework Oct 23

Page 76 What do you think question..... based on the Charter of Rights and freedoms hand out. If you do not have it, with a quick internet search you will find a copy.

Why is there a need for protection of Human rights?

How does Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affect the evolution of our Canadian Laws?.... (How does it affect how our laws change?)