Virtual Heritage Fair Exhibition


Welcome to the first-ever Holy Trinity Elementary Grade Three Virtual Mini-Heritage Fair! For several years, our mini-heritage fair has been an exciting culmination to the grade three year, with many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters visiting the exhibition at our school cafeteria. This year, due to the global pandemic, we are unable share our projects face-to-face, but we have decided to keep up the tradition here, in our Virtual Heritage Fair Exhibition. Please enjoy the wonderful and diverse projects created by our grade three children. Many thanks to the families who have supported our children in creating these wonderful investigations into Newfoundland and Labrador's heritage!

Ms. Hodder's Class

Mrs. Pike's Class

The Newfoundland Pony, by Lucas H.

The Newfie Bullet, by Lucas R.

Signal Hill, by William A.

Mrs. Lloyd's Class

La Manche, by Charlie

The Red Fox, by Lucy

Ms. Keating's Class

La classe de Mme Brenton