
Anyone with a sincere interest in the weather, no matter what their level of expertise, is welcome as a member.  Some members just like to talk about the weather.  Others are interested in keeping simple records of temperature and precipitation.  Still others photograph clouds, explore weather history or collect examples of rare weather phenomena.  A few are obsessed with precision weather data and have built personal weather stations to record it which rival or surpass those of the National Weather Service.  

The club membership numbers well over 100 and ages have ranged between 8 and 85.   Members are primarily from New Jersey but some of our most active members are from Pennsylvania and New York, and others are or have been located in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Maryland, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Virginia, and Idaho!

 There are annual dues. $25 for adults and $15 for students. The dues help off set the cost of the monthly newsletter The Weather Shelter

NEW! Pay by PayPal! 

Join/Renew your membership online via PayPal (you do NOT need to have a PayPal ID)


Would you like to make a donation to NJWO? Or perhaps sponsor someone's membership? You can! Please use the donate button:

Interested? we hope so. At the very least we'd like to add you to our email distribution list. 

Fill out the membership form below. You can then send your membership dues via PayPal or mail them in via check or cashiers check. 2024 Membership Application and Dues Notice.docx