
  • Record data: math fluency and reading log on Second Grade Newsletter each night Monday-Thursday.

Want more math fluency??

How fluent are your facts?

Research shows that the more fluent a child is with their basic facts, the better their problem solving skills become. When a child doesn't have to "think" about the answer to a problem, they are more likely to explore various problem solving skills which in turn allows them to be more successful when working with multi-step problems.

Importance of Fact Fluency Article: from Scholastic

Use this site for online math fluency practice!


RAZ Kids Reading Fluency

Click here for the RAZ Kids log in page.

  1. The teacher username is: wtobin2
  2. Find your name and enter your password.
  3. Begin reading, listening and testing on the stories.
  • Read from RAZ at least 2 times a week as part of your 30 minute reading homework.
  • Log the stories you have read on the newsletter.