
These courses are designed to provide an orientation to the world of work. Experiences are designed to introduce students to the technical nature of today's world and the role of productive workers. Activities enable students to increase self-awareness and make wise educational and occupational decisions as they plan for careers. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include job shadowing and field trips. The formal career development planning process often begins with this course.


The majority of our assignments/projects will be done in class. However, students are expected to review all class assignments nightly along with any additional homework assigned. If we take any community field trips during the semester, I will provide all necessary information & permission slips by way of the student. Tutoring or make-up work sessions will be available at least once each week after school at the discretion of the teacher.

In the course syllabus, you will find course descriptions and objectives, as well as grading, behavior, late/makeup work, and classroom policies. Please click on the correct course below to visit the course syllabus for all three courses.

Exploring Character And Careers Course Syllabus 6th -Grade

Exploring Careers And Employment Course Syllabus 7th-Grade

Exploring Careers And Employment Course Syllabus 8th-Grade