Our Classroom

                 Welcome to 2nd grade!  I am excited to meet each of you and I am looking forward to a great year!  

Reminders/ Information to Share:

-please send in a water bottle each day for your child. 

- Snack: we will have a daily working snack.  Please try to send in a healthy, (non-sticky) snack. 

- Look for a Communication folder that will come home everyday.  Please look for the newsletter that will come home on  Mondays.   It will share important dates/information specific to our classroom.  

Homework:  We will have reading, Fundations and math homework each week.  More information will be sent home in the next couple weeks.  Until then, some things you can do on your own are:  read daily, practice math facts with sums to 10 (or greater) for fluency, and counting by 5's and 10's.