
¡Buenos días! I hope you are staying healthy and are using your creativity to stay entertained! During the time school is closed, Srta. Mayo, Srta. Wagner, and I will be adding activities through Google Classroom. Please join the class you actually are in at school! Let us know if you have questions!

8-2 Spring: tjacz3a 6-1 Spring 2020: kqbzlo5 6-2 Spring: bujwxef

7-1 Spring: lafuudg 7-2 Spring: uexohc6 7 Spring Heritage: 4anxpli

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Sra. Keck!

Español es muy divertido e interesante!

Our primary objective is to be confident enough to use Spanish to communicate messages to one another!

*All students are invited to take Spanish as an elective one semester EVERY year.

Some great reasons for taking Spanish are:

+Our county has a large Spanish speaking population. Chances are very high your child will be (or maybe already is!) friends with someone who speaks Spanish at home!

+Learning some Spanish in middle school will give students a foundation for study of languages in high school. World Language study is a North Carolina high school graduation requirement for most students.

+Students engage in creative and higher level thinking DAILY as they experiment with the language and challenge themselves to process and share messages!