Ms. Duerr's

Fifth Grade

Digital Learning Access and Expectations

This "new normal" is a learning curve for teachers and students alike. All of our instruction has moved to online learning until at least May 18, 2020. We are using Google Classroom as our learning platform. The students are already familiar with this, as they were using it in school.

All students should be accessing their Google Classroom daily.

* If using a tablet or smart device, you will need the following apps:

> Google Drive

> Google Classroom

> Google Docs

> Google Slide

* Math and science assignments will be posted daily along with enrichment and just for fun activities

* Feedback will be provided once assignments have been turned in

* Students should try to utilize iReady daily.

If you have any questions or I can help you in any way, I can be contacted through Google Classroom, Remind, or email @

Office hours are Mon - Fri from 8-9 and 3-4. However, you can reach out through the options above at anytime from 8-4 and I will respond as soon as possible.