Reflect and Discuss

Reflect in Writing

  1. What factors do you consider when you group or cluster standards together? How does PBL change the way you think about grouping standards?
  2. How can you use student data and classroom experiences to inform and revise your curriculum map throughout the year?
  3. What ideas from this module do you plan to incorporate into your classroom practice?

Discuss With Colleagues

  1. What experience do you already have with curriculum mapping? What do you find to be most challenging about this process? Most helpful?
  2. On which content and skills do you choose to go in depth, and where do you spend less time? How do you make decisions about which standards to prioritize?
  3. How can transparency and dialogue around curriculum mapping across a school create a more cohesive learning experience for each student?

Explore a Scenario

Mr. Cantrell is about to start a new school year, and is beginning the process of mapping his standards. As he looks at the amount of material he is expected to "cover," he feels defeated and overwhelmed-- it is just way too much content! In addition, he knows that the incoming students will need to spend time reviewing content that was addressed the previous year.

Where should Mr. Cantrell start? Given these challenges, how should he approach the standards mapping process?