Ms. Stephens

Contact Information

Michelle Stephens

Kindergarten Teacher

(780) 416 2353

Hello! My name is Ms. Stephens and I will be your child's kindergarten teacher this year. 

Student will know me by/call me Ms. Stephens; however parents, please feel free to call me Michelle!

This will be my eighth year teaching kindergarten at New Horizons and I am thrilled to begin this journey with you!

A little about me :) I am from the East Coast of Canada. My desire and love of teaching Kindergarten is what brought me across country to teach here in Sherwood Park. I now own a home with my fiancé Jeremy and our three fur babies; Finn (cat), Ace (dog) and Kilo (dog). 

A few things I enjoy are reading, physical fitness activities, crafts, board games, Starbucks and plushies.