For Parents

Last Updated 9/7/22

Answers to some of your questions. If your question isn't answered below, email

As of September 2022, we've transitioned  to a new online grade book platform called Jumprope. Parents will receive information about how they can register for Jumprope within the first quarter of school by mid-November.

We have several digital communication tools. Remind sends announcements to your cell phone. To sign up for Remind, send a text to 81010, and in the message type @FILL THIS IN! We also send information via a system that uses your cell phone number. If your cell phone number changes, please email

Email with any change of address or phone number.

There are four online platforms you should definitely be connected to: 

Click here for more information about Operoo.

Student led conferences (SLCs) are an opportunity for your student to showcase his/her/their learning to parents, guardians, New Design staff, and any others the student would like to invite. Student led conferences happen at least once or twice each year. Student led conferences are different from parent/teacher conferences because during SLCs, the student drives the conversation between the adults participating. During p/t conferences, the conversation tends to be between the parent and teacher, sometimes with little to no input from the student. 

Our student handbook is currently being updated and will be made available by the end of the quarter.

See the DOE calendar here

Email for any questions you may have.