Welcome to 5th Grade!

"Success is peace of mind knowing that you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." -John Wooden

Lunch Menu link : 

One of the most common questions early in the year is, what's for lunch?! Here is the link, which should be up to date by now:


Welcome! Lets have some fun.

This is the beginning of an exciting time in your school career. Fifth grade marks the beginning of middle school, and we frequently refer to this as the "growing up year". Independence, responsibility, and accountability increase, and communication is vital to ensure success. 

A big focus within our classroom community is that hard work and fun do not have to be rivals. Much of our first month is all about becoming comfortable, in attempt to make our room feel like a "home away from home". We believe comfort leads to confidence, and when we positively approach what we do, anything is possible. In my first 13 years teaching, I have witnessed numbers of 5th graders blow me away with their creativity, curiosity, and empathy. As we move step-by-step, I'm confident your child will do the same. 

In your welcome packet and letter you may have noticed that we will be hosting a brief introductory meeting in our classroom immediately following N.M.S. Open House on Wednesday, August 23. At 5:00, I hope that parents/guardians will be able to stick around and hear about what our year will look like in terms of our philosophy, curriculum, and routine. This can help your child prepare, and ensure that you're aware of expectations even before they are. The only thing is that we ask for students to remain in the hallway or anywhere outside the room during this time. There are a few surprises that are shared with you, that we want to keep for them as the year unfolds. This meeting will last no longer than 30 minutes. 

One final step for your child to get ahead is to have them register for our Google Classroom. To do so, they will use their same Google log-ins from Lakeview (firstname.lastname31@negauneeschools.org, password = neg____) . Once logged in, have them click on this link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE4MzA2NDQ4MDMz?cjc=qxgaxkr. That's all!

In the meantime, if you have any questions I encourage you to reach out to me at kyle.saari@negauneeschools.org.