Google Classroom

Link to Google Classroom:

Google Classroom is a great tool to manage announcements, assignments, class notes and homework postings. Mr Dinneen has sent an email invitation for you to join the corresponding class on Google Classroom. Please accept the invitation. If you have joined the class late or cannot locate the invitation follow the instructions below.

How to join Mr. Dinneen's Google Classroom

  1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) and navigate to
  2. Scroll to the bottom and indicate that you are a "Student"
  3. Press the "+" in the top right to add a class.
  4. Ask Mr. Dinneen for the correct class code.

If you do not know your your School Google Account Information (Username & Password), in order to retrieve this information you must

    • Go to room 405 Technology Office after school if you do not know your account information.
    • Google Passwords can also be reset by visiting the Library.