6th Grade Science

Vocabulary 6

Convection Cell: a mass of fluid flowing in a cycle in one place

Coriolis Effect: the cause of winds near the equator in the Northern and Southern hemispheres to curve west

Jet Stream: a narrow band of fast-moving high-altitude wind flowing west to east that affects weather conditions on Earth.

Land Breeze: a wind that blows from land to sea

Prevailing Wind: a predictable wind produced by the combination of high and low pressure areas and the Coriolis Effect

Sea Breeze: a wind that blows from sea onto land

Vocabulary 5

Conduction: transfer of energy from one place to another by contact

Constraint: a limitation or restriction

Energy Transfer: the movement of energy from one place to another

Temperature: a measurement of the motion of particles.

Insulation: to cover something to stop heat, sound, or electricity from escaping or entering

Vocabulary 4

Absorb: to take in or soak up

Climatology: the study of a region’s climate over 30 or more years

Heat: a spontaneous flow of energy (energy in transit) from one object to another

Latitude: the distance north or south from the equator measured in degrees; a factor that affects local weather and climate.

Radiation: energy that is radiated or transmitted through space in the form of rays, waves, or particles

Ray: a thin beam or line of radiant energy, such as light

Solar Angle: the angle at which light from the Sun strikes the surface of Earth

Thermal Energy: radiant energy that heats

Density Simulation

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Vocabulary 3 Words and Definitions

Density: the amount of mass in a material compared to its volume

Elevation: height above a given level

Barometer: a weather tool that measures air pressure

Equilibrium: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced

Convection: heat transfer in a fluid in which hot fluid rises and cold fluid sinks, setting up a cycle

Energy Transfer: The conversion of one form of energy into another

Atmospheric pressure: is the weight of the air pushing on Earth’s surface

Kinetic Energy: the energy of motion

Vocabulary 2 Words and Definitions

Air: mixture of gases surrounding the earth

Compress: to push particles closer together

Expand: to get bigger, to take up more space

Mass: the amount of matter in an object

Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space

Particle: an atom or a molecule; what everything is made of

State: a kind of form of matter. The three common states are solid, liquid and gas

Atmosphere: the layer of gases surrounding Earth. Its layers include the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere

Vocabulary 1 Words & Definitions

Weather: the daily state of the atmosphere, or air, in any given place.

Climate: the average of weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.

Visibility: the distance one can see as determined by light and weather conditions

Air Pressure: the force exerted on a surface by the mass of the air above it.

Humidity: the amount of water vapor in the air

Temperature: the measure of the hotness or coldness

Precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, or hail

Forecast: to predict the weather through study