Officer Installation GUIDELINES

(adapted from NACAA)

It is my pleasure to preside over installation of officers for the ensuing year.

The purpose of our Association is to provide and promote opportunities for professional improvement, aid in developing the professional status of County Agents, create opportunities for fellowship, and provide for the exchange of ideas among all County Agents.

You have elected, by a majority vote, officers who you believe will provide the leadership our profession requires to carry out the objectives of NCACAA.

Now I will ask the six elected officers to please step forward as your name is called:

Past President -

You have provided outstanding leadership during the past year, and as a result of the valuable experience, you cannot be relieved of responsibility at this time. You will serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Treasurer -

As treasurer, you are custodian of the Association funds. You shall keep a full and complete record of monies received and disbursed, receive and record all membership fees, prepare itemized financial balance sheets and membership reports, and keep the books in order so they may be audited at the proper time.

Secretary -

As Secretary, yours is one of the most important positions in the Association. It is your duty to keep an accurate and full record of all meetings held during the year, and to preserve them in such a manner that they may aid and safeguard the association in the accomplishment of its transactions. Upon your shoulders rests the responsibility for keeping the membership informed of the business of the Association.

Vice-President -

As Vice-President, you will be expected to assume the responsibility for committee work of this Association. In addition, you will stand ready to accept other assignments which will enhance the program of NCACAA as they are outlined by the Board of Directors.

President-Elect -

You have rendered valuable service to our profession for a period of years and now members of this Association have elected you to assume additional responsibilities. As President-Elect, you will serve on the Executive Committee of our organization and take the place of our President whenever the President is forced to be absent. In addition, you will assume any other duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors.

President -

Our Association has bestowed upon you one of the highest honors that can come to a County Agent and with this honor comes many responsibilities. As President, the responsibilities of your office call for a person who is a leader of leaders. It will be your responsibility to maintain the activities of this organization at high standards and within the limits of the Bylaws. We are confident you will represent Extension Employees of this State in such a way as to bring further credit to our profession.

May your year of service as our leader be a memorable experience for you and bring honor and respect to you and our Association.

Will each of you raise your right hand.

Do you swear to uphold the bylaws and to carry out the duties of your office to the best of your ability?

(Please say “I will”)

On behalf of the North Carolina Association of County Agricultural Agents, I now declare you duly installed as officers for the ensuing year.