Section 13: Vibrations - Waves and Sound

Goal: To relate mechanical wave energy to the properties of sound.

Objectives: Students will be able to:

- relate the simple harmonic motion of a vibration to energy transfer via waves.

- Understand that mechanical waves are caused by a vibration in a medium

- explain that waves transfer energy but not matter

- identify the criteria for and explain simple harmonic motion and relate it to a simple 

pendulum mass on a spring or vibration.

- describe and calculate the characteristics of a wave including frequency, period, wavelength, amplitude, and speed.

- compare and contrast longitudinal and transverse waves

- explain the law of superposition as it relates to wave interactions including the formation of standing waves.

- explain how a frequency change occurs due to the relative motion of source and observer (Doppler Effect)

- relate longitudinal waves to sound waves.

- explain the relationship between frequency and pitch as well as amplitude and volume.

- analyze standing waves in vibrating strings and open and closed tubes

- relate/calculate string and tube length to wave length, speed and frequency

- explain how interference can be constructive or destructive and relate interference to beats and white noise.

Labs: Hooke’s Law; Inertial Balance, Swinging Pendulum; Speed of a Mechanical Wave Parts 1 & 2, and Open Closed Tube


Reading Assignment: Chapters 19-20

Extra Credit: None at this time, but if you have any ideas, write up a proposal and I'll review it for consideration

Class Updates/Test/Quiz Schedule: Check your SOE.