Dr. Temuulen "Teki" Sankey and graduate students in the Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Lab
We are Northern Arizona University's Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Lab. Our research focuses on understanding the natural environment through a variety of image acquisition and analysis techniques, including the use of our state-of-the-art Unoccupied Aircraft System (UAS).
Funding Opportunities
Graduate applications are invited! We are currently recruiting MS students to work in our lab and earn a degree in Environmental Science and Policy at NAU.
We are quantifying the impacts of the Lake George dam removal in Colorado on the vegetative and geomorphic characteristics of a stream channel and floodplain above and below the dam by comparing data pre-and-post dam removal and including the post-removal stream restoration work. The Lake George Dam is a low head diversion structure on the main stem of the South Platte River, located on the South Park Ranger District of the Pike - San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (PSICC). We are using pre- and post-dam removal ground-based lidar and UAV images to quantify the vegetation and geomorphic responses. A MS student will collect and analyze these datasets with Dr. Sankey.
Prospective students should contact Dr. Sankey at Temuulen.Sankey@nau.edu. Funding covers tuition, stipend, and health insurance.