About Our Class: Earth Science

On this page, you will find information about our science class this year including class expectations, policies, grading, and general information. Use this information to help you achieve success in science!

About the course:

Earth Science includes a wide range of fascinating branches including geology, oceanography, climatology, meteorology, and oceanography.

This year, you will be working hard to develop science skills and literacy that you will need to become successful high school students and responsible citizens of the Earth. We will do hands-on lab activities, read challenging texts, record explanations and use technology to show our understanding of the Earth systems.

It is important for us to understand how our Earth works as we try to balance human actions with Earth’s natural systems. With that in mind, this course has five essential questions that are based on the big ideas of Earth Science that all citizens should know and the Massachusetts Science and Technology Curriculum Frameworks for Earth Science.

Classroom Expectations

I expect each and every student to come to class prepared with the proper materials and ready to learn. Each student is responsible for themselves. In short, be prepared, be respectful, be honest, and always try your best. In this class we will collaborate during lab-work, short term projects, and long term assignments. The expectation is that you should always come to class ready to be a team player.

Classroom Materials

Each day, you should bring your current Unit Notebook, a charged chromebook, and a pencil/ pen with you to class.

Grading- Total Point System

- Tests, Writing Assignments, and Projects: 30 + Points

-Lab Reports and Quizzes: 20-30 Points

- Homework Assignments & Classwork: 5-10 points