Unit 4: Folklore

Post date: Jan 25, 2013 9:09:22 PM

Attached are a number of documents that will be helpful for our 4th Unit on Folklore.

1. Folklore Reading Packet: A copy of the pages students will be completing in their folklore reading packet for the unit. Most of the reading will be done in class and will consist of short stories. Students will be required to complete two sections in their folklore reading packet on the folklore of each culture that we are studying (Native American, African, Latin American and Greek/Roman).

2. The Reading Rubric: A copy of the rubric that students will be graded on after completing their folklore reading packet at the end of the unit. They will end up completing 8 sections in their reading packet based on two readings from each of the four cultures that we are studying.

3. Folklore Terms: Students will need to know the terms that are included in this document and will be quizzed on these terms later in the unit.