
The Cross Country Banquet is a very special night for our team. It gives us a chance to look back at the success of the past season. We will recognize some of the top performances from the season both as a team and as individuals. We will also celebrate our seniors who have put in many years of hard work and say goodbye to them as they move onto the next part of their lives. High School and Middle School awards will be given out and High School Varsity letters will be awarded. It is our plan to try and get small gifts for all runners at this years banquet in addition to the Senior gifts.

Every member of the High School and Middle School Cross Country teams are welcome to the banquet, as long as they get their forms turned in. It is a free dinner for all team members. For parents and other guest who would like to attend, there will be a $15 per person charge for those eating. It is free if you are just coming to watch. I need every member of the team to return the attached form to coach Benner at the latest by Friday October 23rd so I can let the caterer know how much food to prepare.

Our banquet is schedule for Thursday November 12th. It will take place at the Northampton Middle School Cafeteria and food will begin at 5:15pm. I hope to make this evening a fun time for everyone, make sure you bring you camera.

Athletes, try and dress your best.