2021 Pre-Season Meeting

Anyone interested in coming out for the either the High School (grades 9-12) or Middle School (7th and 8th grade) Cross Country teams, there will be a pre-season meeting:

Wednesday May 26th after school at the football stadium bleachers at 2:00pm. Rain date will be the next day.

Twitter - NorthamptonXC

Facebook - Northampton Cross Country

Instagram - kkidsxc

2021 Key Dates

May 26: HS and MS Team Meeting (2pm)

June : First HS Summer Practice

July 6: First MS Summer Practice

Aug 16: First Official Practice HS & MS

Aug 20: Clothing Orders due


Sept 8: Hoagie Order due

Sept 22: Hoagie Order pick-up

TBD: Seemsville Fundraiser

TBD: Soaked Fundraiser

TBD: Chick fil A Fundraiser

Nov 11: XC Banquet
