Cast Information

What else do I need to know?

How much does it cost to participate in the Junior Musical? $125 Pay-to-Participate for both Cast and Crew.

Checks should be made payable to “New Albany Middle School” with “Jr. Musical” in the memo line. These are to be turned in to your school office.                                       

Costume elements: Most costumes will come from the NAMS costume department. Students will need to provide some costume elements such as slacks, trousers, leotards, tights, character, ballet and jazz shoes. You will be provided a detailed list.

Student Responsibility:                                                                              

Please understand that it is the student’s responsibility to complete schoolwork obligations and to communicate with teachers. Rehearsal expectations can be found on the portal under “Cast Information”.                                                                                                                  

Rehearsals & Attendance:

Attendance is mandatory for all rehearsals and performances unless special arrangements have been made in advance with the Director. Please schedule lessons and other appointments around rehearsals. When one cast member is absent; teaching and learning for others is very difficult. If illness occurs, please contact the director. Thank you in advance for your help with scheduling!

New Albany Middle School Theatre Dept.

Rehearsal Expectations

These rules are basic to any theatre company. Cooperation with proper rehearsal etiquette is mandatory.