VISA PRIDE, People Respecting Individual Differences in Everyone,

is Vaughn's Gay Straight Alliance, a place where LGBTQ+ students and their straight allies can come together to feel safe, have fun, and work to make our school and community more accepting.

We meet the first and third TUESDAYS of each month at lunch in IA-1

Email for an invite to the VISA PRIDE Google Classroom.

All are welcome. We never ask students to identify as gay, straight, or anything - we just welcome all who want to create a safe, fun, and accepting place.

Please sign up for Remind 101 to get mobile alerts!

If you're interested in reading LGBT Young Adult Books, check this presentation out!

LGBT Young Adult Books

In this excerpt from "Not In Our School: Palo Alto, CA," Gunn High School students in Roni Habib's "Facing History and Ourselves" class challenge the saying "That's So Gay."