FAQ #1: Why do I have a 0 in the grade book?

There are several reasons why there may be a 0 listed in your grade. . Possibilities include:

  • the assignment class set has been graded, but yours is missing

  • you turned in the assignment, but forgot to put your name on it

  • I made a mistake

FAQ #2: If there is a 0, what can I do?

You can ALWAYS make up an assignment. It will lose points for being late, but some points are better than no points. Check the website to see if you can print a new copy, look in your backpack/folder, or check GoogelClassroom for missing work. Remember, a zero is just a reminder that something is not done, YET. You can always, always make up work.

FAQ #3: I see an assignment in the grade book, but there is no score next to it. What's up with that?

This means that the assignment will be scored and recorded, but I haven't gotten there yet.

FAQ #4: What can I do to raise my grade?

  • Check to be sure that you have turned in all assignments.

  • Make sure that you are reading enough (at least 50 pages per week) and logging your books.

  • Check to see if you can do test corrections or revise a writing assignment.

  • Be patient, and continue to turn in quality work.

FAQ #5: Can you give me some extra credit?

No. I do not offer extra credit at this time.

FAQ #6: What if I still have a question?

Email me or come see me at school. We can figure out an answer together.