02 - Using Curriculum Companion 4.2.7

Using Curriculum Companion 4.2.7

Once you have selected "Compile and Download Program" the Virtual World that you selected will open. As you are just starting, we have selected the pre-built "Curriculum Companion 4.2.7". This will open to a screen that looks like the image below. Click on the blue tab titled "Log In Locally", then click in the bottom right of the pop up on "Log In as Guest".

Now you will be looking at the main Curriculum Companion 4.2.7 page. We will use the tabs at the top to select the area we want to go to.

First, make sure you have the correct robot selected. In our class, we will be using the standard CLAWBOT setup.

Click on the "ROBOTS" tab and then click on "VEX CLAWBOT" to select it. An image of this is shown below.

Exploring the Practice Areas (mainly Movement at the moment)

Now that you have the correct robot selected, click on the "MOVEMENT" tab at the top. This will bring you to the menu of practice levels shown below.

Notice that in the image above there is a menu of practice levels/areas on the left. The menu selections with a star to the left of them have a definite goal, in which you will be told you have succeeded or failed at the end of the level. The other menu selections are merely an open virtual world you can explore and practice your programming in. In the menu above, I have selected "Basketball Drills".

Remember: You have already written your code, and selected "Compile and Download" meaning it has been translated into machine code and downloaded to your virtual robot. The program is already written and is in your robot's memory.

Now, from the image above, after choosing a level from the list, click on "START ACTIVITY" at the bottom right. You will be taken to a screen like the image below.

The three buttons on the left are the most important to you at the moment. They do the following:

    • When you click the "Play" button (top left) the program will run exactly one time from start to finish. At the end of this starred activity "Basketball Drills" you will be told "INCOMPLETE!" or "New Progress Badge Earned".

    • When you click the "Restart" button (middle left) the level will reset. This is very useful if you want to tweak your code. You can keep this window open, go back to your RobotC interface, edit your code, and select "Compile and Download". Even though you haven't changed anything in the virtual world, your virtual robot has now download a new program to its memory. When you hit "Restart", your robot will follow the new code. This saves a lot of time, rather than closing the entire virtual world and reopening in.

    • When you click the "Home" button (bottom left) the current level is exited and you are returned to the main Curriculum Companion 4.2.7 menu.

The buttons on the right do the following:

  • When you click the "Show" button (top right) a laser is shown that points in your robots direction and extends forward.

  • When you click the "Add Marker" button (2nd from top right) you can now click on the level to create dynamic distance and angle markers. Above the marker, the distance in meters is shown. Below the marker, the angle in degrees is shown (zero degrees is forward, positive degrees is to the right and negative is to the left). This can be very helpful in planning a path through obstacles, especially once we start using encoders and sensors that can read exactly how much your wheels have turned and how much your robot has turned/rotated.

  • When you click the "Clear Markers" button (3rd from top right) you clear all of the distance/angle markers that you have currently placed.

  • When you click on the "Camera #1" button (right) you are kept in your current camera view and can scroll in or out with your mouse wheel.

  • When you click on the "Camera #2" button (right) you are shown a birds eye view of the map. This also shows you your directional laser and marker readings if you have placed any.

  • When you click on the "Camera #3" button (right) you are shown a view similar to that of Camera #1 but now you can both click with the left mouse button and move your view to any side of your robot (though it is fixed in that it always points at your robot) and you can still zoom in or out with your mouse wheel.

  • When you click on the "View Sensors" button (bottom right) you are shown the infrared patterns extended by your range sensor. You can click this on or off to toggle the sensors on or off.

Now, you are ready to start programming your virtual robot. Go onto the next tutorial to learn the basic commands to move your robot: 03 - Movement / Motors