Syllabus and Grading

Math II Syllabus

Ms. Dombrowski's Contact Information Ms. Yonash’s Contact Information

Phone: (715) 232-1673 ext. 30722 Phone: (715) 232-1673 ext. 30714

Email: Email:

Open Up Family Resources:

Standards for Math II

Ratios and Proportional Relationships: I can analyze proportional relationships.

The Number System: I can compute with rational numbers.

Expressions and Equations: I can solve problems with expressions, inequalities, and equations.

Geometry: I can construct and describe geometric figures.

I can solve problems involving scale drawings, angles, area, surface area, and volume.

Probability and Statistics: I can draw inferences from a sample, compare populations, and find probabilities of events

Literacy: I can read, interpret, and analyze informational texts.

General Course Outline

Term 1

Ratios and Proportions


Term 2


Probability and Statistics

Term 3

Rational Numbers

Expressions and Equations

Term 4

Angles, Triangles, and Quadrilaterals



Standards-Based Grading

Students will be scored on a 4-level proficiency scale for each standard. Our grading scale also includes a score of 0.5 to indicate partial success between each score on our grading scale. For example, a score of 3.5 indicates that a student has experienced success at the 3.0 content learning target and partial success at the 4.0 content-the more complex content learning target.

The grading scale is:


demonstrates success with more complex learning targets

makes applications beyond the level 3 content taught in class


demonstrates success with current grade-level learning targets

demonstrates the required grade-level skills with no major errors


demonstrates partial success with current grade-level learning targets

making progress but has not mastered what was taught


demonstrates limited success with current grade-level learning targets

needs help to make progress


lacks enough evidence to assign a grade

NA or *

means not assessed at this time

The following codes will also be used in the online family access to the grade book:


missing assignment that needs to be turned in


assignment is missing because student was absent that day


excused from the assignment


incomplete assignment

Assignment Expectations

Homework/assignments are important practice opportunities to develop skills and knowledge related to learning goals. Assignments will be corrected and recorded in the grade book but are used as a monitoring tool only. These assignments will not be used when determining a final standard score. There will be leveled homework assignments to accommodate students’ readiness for concepts. Students can complete the assignment option that offers the appropriate amount of challenge for them. It is vital that all assignments are completed by the due date in order for students to practice a learning goal and receive feedback before new concepts are introduced. Missing work must be completed. Opportunities will be provided so that students with missing work can complete it in a timely manner (examples: Golden Opportunity Thursday, after school time).

Assessment Expectations

Assessments are used to determine what students know and are able to do. These assessments will determine a student’s final standard score. Assessments (tests, projects, etc.) should be redone when a student performs below expectations (a score of 2 or less).

Chromebook Expectations

It is expected that students bring their chromebook to class every day fully charged. They will follow the expectation that they are using the chromebooks responsibly or they will be asked to put it away and use a paper copy of the assignment or task.

Parents: Frequently Asked Questions

How can I keep track of my child’s progress?

You can check your child’s assignment notebook for daily activities and assignments. On my class website, you can also find a calendar of daily activities and links to copies of assignments for math class. Online family access to the grade book can allow you to monitor your child’s scores on assignments and assessments.

How does a student earn a 4?

Students will be given the opportunity to extend and enhance their learning experiences through leveled assignments and extensions to projects. Assessments will include questions that allow students the opportunity to show their advanced understanding of the standard. Pretests will be given before each unit, and students showing advanced mastery of the content will work on accelerated Math III concepts.

What if my child is not mastering the learning standards?

Some intervention time will be built into the regular class period for students who need extra practice to master a skill. However, students may need to spend additional time and receive additional support beyond the regular class time. Online resources are available through the Big Ideas website, including tutorials, extra practice problems, and practice assessments. You can also find additional resources and links for extra help on my class webpage. Students can use Thursday’s Golden Opportunity Time or before/after school.

I am here to do all I can to help every student succeed this year. All I ask is that students keep a positive attitude and give their best effort, and I will strive to make math a fun and meaningful experience this year! Please contact me anytime with any questions or concerns.