Language Teacher Blogs/Sites

This page has a list of WL teacher blogs and websites by language.

click here to see a list of authentic resource activities

Tools to Organize blogs you follow and keep track of resources

  • Feedly - This is the tool I use to follow student blogs as well as teacher related blogs. You can easily organize blogs by categories (or class) and "Save" blog posts for easy access later

    • EDIT - Feedly now has a "Freemium" pay structure that requires a monthly fee for more than 100 feeds.

  • Bloglovin' - Get a digest of the blogs you follow sent to your email (Read more here)

  • Wakelet - My new favorite organizational tool because you can pull from Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc. Read more here

  • Diigo - I use this tool to organize resources for teachers at my school - easy to add an extension to your web browser and a few clicks will save that page in your Diigo account.

  • Evernote - Similar to Diigo. I used to use this because you could easily email websites to different notebooks that you organized in Evernote, but now that's a paid service.

  • Even More