Homework Policy

Homework Policy

La clase de Señora Diaz

Learning a foreign language requires practice. In the classroom we learn and apply how to speak, read and write Spanish. When students go home, they have an opportunity to practice what they have learned and applied in the classroom. This opportunity to practice is homework.

I encourage my students and their parents to practice at home in order to better understand.

  1. What is the purpose of homework?

    1. to provide practice

    2. to prepare students for assessments and upcoming lessons

    3. to extend in-class learning

    4. to exercise a student’s creativity

B. How long should each assignment take?

  1. Normally I will allow students to begin their homework in class with my help, this way they comprehend what they will be completing at home. Therefore, each assignment will take between 7-10 minutes.

C. How will I review assignments?

  1. I believe that peer editing is a productive and encouraging way for students to work together. Therefore, assignments will be checked in the form of peer coaching followed by reviewing as a class to check for accuracy and understanding.

  2. There will be times, mainly before assessments or when checking writing in Spanish, when homework will be collected and checked individually.

D. How will assignments be graded?

  1. Homework will be graded on completion. Students will receive half credit for assignments that are brought to class one day late. After one day, students will not receive credit.

E. How can parents be involved?

  1. Parents will be encouraged to check homework agendas daily. If a student falls behind on completing their work, parents will be asked to sign the agenda daily in order to acknowledge completion of the assignment.


“The most important attitude that can be formed is that of desire to go on learning” -John Dewey