Teacher Relicensure

 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Licensure Updates

**ALL re-licensure forms from the 2024-2025 school year are due on or before May 09, 2025, to allow committee members enough time to add those hours to the state system.   

*The reading mandate will be more in-depth for ALL license renewals after July 1, 2023.  For ALL Tier 3 and Tier 4 licensure renewals (excluding those who do not provide direct instruction), applicants must submit evidence of professional development and growth aligned to the following criteria for all three areas: knowledge of reading processes, instructional practices, and assessment practices. The mandate will now take more than 1 hour to meet.  More information will be available later, including Morris Area #2769 requirements, once information is submitted by PELSB and finalized by the district.  The reading mandate will be covered for staff required to take the additional reading training starting in the summer of 2024.  

*During the 2023 legislative session, the Minnesota Legislature created a new renewal requirement on the cultural heritage and contemporary contribution of American Indians, with particular emphasis on Minnesota Tribal Nations. This latest renewal requirement is required for all teachers with a Tier 1 or Tier 2 license issued after August 1, 2023, and the new renewal requirement is effective e for teachers with a Tier 3 or Tier 4 license renewing after January 1, 2024.  At this time,  PELSB will go through the rulemaking process to determine the details and required components for this renewal training.  More information will be available later, e including the Morris Area #2769 requirements, once information is submitted by PELSB and finalized by the district.  

**During the 2023 legislative session, the Minnesota Legislature made several changes to the laws governing teacher licensure, including changes to licensure exams and changes to Tier 4 licensure.  Check out these links for more information:  

Changes to licensure exams:  https://mn.gov/pelsb/board/news/#/detail/appId/1/id/581367

Changes to Tier 4 licensure:


Free Suicide Prevention Training

Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)  is offering free suicide prevention training through June 2024 via modules posted on the MDH website below.  This will likely be the last opportunity to access this specialized training as Kognito plans on discontinuing this program.  


Renewal Information

*The licensure is now part of a tiered system. If you have questions on the tiered system, including finding licensure requirements and forms, please look at the link below:


*Teachers are required to obtain the following mandatory requirements before updating their teaching license: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Accommodations (PBIS), reading preparation, mental health, suicide prevention, accommodations/modifications, English Language Learners (ELL), and cultural competency. Please note that key warning signs of mental illness and suicide prevention will each require a minimum of one hour.  

*The cultural competency requirement will take each individual at least 8 hours and include four modules to meet the PELSB requirements.  If you attend a cultural competency training workshop off-campus, please ensure the training is PELSB-approved to receive credit for license renewal.

*Morris Area & St. Mary's staff, please contact Erin if you wish to complete the cultural competency components offered through our district's PELSB-approved courses.     

Obtaining Relicensure Forms

ALL TEACHERS  who hold a teaching license (including teachers not currently working in a school setting) who need relicensure clock hour approval forms can download the appropriate forms to the right.  Forms can be submitted electronically if the form is FIRST COPIED and then submitted.  Forms can also be printed off on a traditional printer.   A completed form is needed for EACH clock hour event/activity submitted.  

Morris Area Teaching staff can download staff development clock hour forms under Morris Area School Teachers.  

Midwest Special Education Cooperative Staff will find the forms needed under Midwest Special Education Cooperative.

Community members with teaching licenses will find the necessary forms in the Non-MAS Community Members. 

Required Clock Hours & Mandates

Teachers need at least 125 clock hours every five years for a tier 4 license.  The license is valid for five years.  A minimum of 90 clock hours is needed in the categories A-D.  A maximum of 35 hours is allowed in categories E-G.  Each license holder must obtain all required mandates for renewal.

Teachers need a minimum of 125 clock hours every five years for a tier 3 license, which is valid for three years. A minimum of 75 clock hours is needed in categories A-D, and a maximum of 35 hours is allowed in categories E-G. Each license holder must obtain all required mandates for renewal.

Tracking Relicensure Clock Hours & Mandates

The teacher's professional responsibility is to track and fulfill all relicensure clock hours and mandates.  Teachers are highly encouraged to keep their returned relicensure forms safe and secure.  

Teachers can also track their hours online on the PELSB website.   Teachers must register and sign in with a username/password to see the number of clock hours and mandates entered on their behalf by the relicensure committee members.  


Submitting Relicensure Forms

All staff and community members can submit continuing education forms at any time during the year! Staff are encouraged to submit forms as they earn CEUs instead of waiting until the last minute in case problems or concerns arise.  

Elementary Teaching Staff and community members can submit relicensure forms to Heather Schneider at Morris Elementary School anytime.   

High School Teaching Staff and community members can submit relicensure forms at any time to Erin Gillespie at Morris High School.  

****ALL re-licensure forms from the 2024-2025 school year are due on or before May 09, 2025, to allow committee members enough time to add those hours to the state system.  Staff and community members who need hours entered after May 9 due to an emergency, don't hesitate to get in touch with Erin Gillespie at egillespie@morris.k12.mn.us 


If Morris Area Schools teachers need clock hours, including the required mandates, www.myinfinitec.org is a place to visit.  Infinitec offers a wide variety of staff development that can be used to fulfill relicensure requirements.  Infinitec is a web-based option that can be completed anytime from the comfort of your home.  Please be advised that Infinitec users have the best results with computers and tablets, including iPads, kindles, Chromebooks, etc., but have yet to have great success with Infinitec use.  After viewing an online class, users must assess their knowledge with a quiz.  After successful completion, users can print off a certificate with clock hour information, which can be submitted to the continuing education chairs.  Cultural competency is the ONLY required mandate that cannot be fulfilled through Infinitec.  To register for Infinitec, please get in touch with Erin Gillespie at Morris High School.   

Education Minnesota Members:  MEA Online (Formerly known as LearnUpon)

Education Minnesota has a new online learning platform called MEA Online (formerly known as LearnUpon).  MEA Online allows members to access a complete professional development catalog to improve their professional practice, earn CEU credits for relicensure, and build union understanding.  The majority of courses will be pre-recorded.  Some will be offered via webinar, and some will combine both.  The best part is these courses are FREE to active Education Minnesota members.   

MEA Online is continuously updating; please check often for new opportunities for CEU credits.  

To find relicensure mandate classes, please log-on to your account.   Find the "filter catalog" box.  Then, find the category drop-down and choose "professional development."

Education Minnesota members who previously signed up for LearnUpon will have the same account username and password; please see the link below.

Learn more and log in today: educationminnesota.org/resources/professional-development/mea-online/

Questions? Continuing Education Co-Chairs Contact Information:

Morris Area Elementary Chair:  Heather Schneider or 585-2010


Morris Area High School Chair:  Erin Gillespie 585-2149 or egillespie@morris.k12.mn.us

Continuing Education Committee Members:

Heather Schneider, Teacher & Secretary

Erin Gillespie, Teacher & Chair

Shane Monson, Administrator

Abbey Johnson, Teacher 

Mary Holmberg, Teacher

Susan Hennen, Teacher

Tanya Fischer, Community Member, Principal at St. Mary's School

Committee Member Meeting Dates & Elections 

The continuing education committee will meet as needed throughout the school year. Meeting days/times will be emailed to all district staff. Community members who need assistance can contact Erin Gillespie at egillespie@morris.k12.mn.us at any time.  

The continuing education committee's annual hearing will be held at the MAHS and MAES August staff meetings.  

Elections for the continuing education committee will be held each spring if needed.  

A copy of the Morris Area Schools #2769 Continuing Education Bylaws can be obtained by contacting Erin Gillespie at egillespie@morris.k12.mn.us.

Teacher License Exemptions

Speech-Language Pathologists

Clock hour exemption for speech-language pathologists includes meeting the reading required mandate.

The American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) Certification has been approved by the Minnesota Board of Teaching as a substitute for the 125 clock hours required for renewal.  If the ASHA certification expires during the five-year renewal period, the local committee will prorate hours completed at 25 hours per year and require completion of a prorated number of hours for the years the certificate is not in effect.  Speech-language pathologists who hold the ASHA Certification will need to submit a copy of this certification along with the continuing education/relicensure clock hour approval form. 

School Psychologists

Clock hour exemption for school psychologists includes meeting the reading required mandate.  

The National Certification of School Psychologists (NCSP) Certification has been approved by the Minnesota Board of Teaching as a substitute for the 125 clock hours required for license renewal. If the NCSP certification expires during the five-year renewal period, the local committee will prorate hours completed at 25 hours per year and require completion of a prorated number of hours for the years the certificate is not in effect.  School psychologists who hold the NCSP Certification will need to submit a copy of this certification along with the continuing education/relicensure clock hour approval form. 

School psychologists must also verify the local continuing education committee of meeting all applicable mandatory requirements:  PBIS, mental health, suicide prevention, ELL, and cultural competency.

School psychologists are exempt from meeting the reading preparation.

School Nurses

Clock hour exemption for school nurses includes meeting the reading required mandate.  

Mandatory requirements may have been met within the National nursing certifications process.  Nurses with this certificate will need to submit a copy of the certificate along with the continuing education/relicensure clock hour approval form.  

School Counselors

Clock hour exemption for school counselors includes meeting the reading required mandate.

National Board Certification

The National Board of Professional Standards Certification (NBPS) has been approved by the Minnesota Board of Teaching as a substitute for the 125 clock hours required for the licensure renewal.  If the NBPS certificate expires during the five-year renewal period, the local committee will prorate hours completed at 25 hours per year and require completion of a prorated number of hours for the years the certificate is not in effect.  Teachers who hold an NBPS certificate will need to submit a copy of the certificate along with the continuing education/relicensure clock hour approval form. 

Applications with NBPS Certification must also provide verification to the local continuing education committee of meeting all applicable mandatory requirements.:  PBIS, reading preparation, accommodations, modifications, and adaptation of curriculum, key warning signs of mental illness, suicide prevention, ELL, and cultural competency.



Renewing Your Teacher License


PELSB Teacher Licensure FAQ 


Still Have Questions?  Contact PELSB
