eBook and Audiobook Info

Log in using your student ID and password

Check out books directly from the website or through the Sora app. (It's free)

Just download and search for Marple Newtown High School Library.


  • Watch the Getting Started Video

  • Visit the Sora Help page

  • Click on 'Ask the Librarian' above


Q: Do I have to have a special e-reading device to check out an ebook?

A: No! Any device that has access to the internet will work with the system. Just click the link for the ebook catalog to get started.

Q: How do I check out an ebook?

A: You will need your regular student ID and password to log into the system. Once you are logged on and find the ebook you want to borrow, simply click on it and then select the "Borrow" button. You can then begin reading right there or download the book to your device. Downloading the book means it will be available when you don't have internet available, too.

Q: How do I return an ebook?

A: This will happen automatically for you. At the end of the two-week loan period, the ebook will automatically return itself. No late fees!

Q: Can you check out a book at any time?

A: Yes. One great benefit of this system is that you can check out a book anytime of day, even if the library is not open or you don't have time to visit during the school day.

Q: Are there any limits to what I can check out?

A: Each student account is set up to allow for up to three ebooks to be checked out at any given time. Although they are electronic, our library still must purchase access to each copy of the ebook, so if another student has the ebook checked out, you will need to wait until a copy becomes available.

Q: Can I put a hold on ebooks?

A: Yes! If the ebook you want is checked out, the "Borrow" button will change to "Place a Hold." When the ebook is returned, you will receive an email notifying you that you may download it.