Classroom Information

  • School starts at 8:50 Ends at 3:30

Half day schedule is 8:50-1:02

• Please arrive on time- once the gate is locked, you must go to the office to sign your child into school.

• Anyone picking up your child must be on your Emergency contact list.

and bring a driver license with them or you must make the teacher aware if someone else is picking up your child.

• Please always label your child's clothing/belongings.

• Please dress your child in comfortable clothes. Their clothes should be easy to put on and take off and seasonally appropriate.

.Please send in an extra set of clothing in case of an accident.

• Please send your child into school with a regular size backpack- it should be able to fit a folder, lunchbox, and room for other items.

• Please send in a lunch as well as a snack and juice/water for your child everyday-

• Your child will have lunch time and snack time during the day

• No snacks will be heated