Millstone Township School District

Child Study Team

The Child Study Team provides the services to assist in the identification, evaluation, determination of eligibility and development and monitoring of special education programs and placements. As a team, we service students attending the primary, elementary, and middle school.

The Child Study Team (CST) consists of a Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC), a School Social Worker, and School Psychologist. The role of the LDTC is to assess a student's academic levels, learning strengths and needs, and help develop instructional strategies. The School Social Worker investigates a student's developmental history and home environment and acts as a liason between the school, home and community. The School Psychologist determines a student's intellectual and social/emotional functioning and provides counseling and other interventions. Other specialists such as speech language specialists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, behaviorist and school nurses may be called upon to provide input.

Team members act as consultants to the general education regarding techniques, materials and programs for students experiencing difficulties in learning or relationships.

~ Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere ~

~ Chinese Proverb ~