
Tuition-Free Grades K-10 for the 2019-2020 School Year

(One grade added each year so no need to change school.)

Give your child the benefits of an education at Midlands STEM Institute:

  • Individual attention afforded by this small school.
  • Classes taught using hands-on, active learning.
  • Focus on the computer skills essential for STEM professionals.
  • Well-rounded education includes art, music, and band.
  • Special needs instruction.

Enrollment Procedures

1. Print and complete the current year's Enrollment Package

2. Turn in the packet and all required documents at the front office. Staff will make copies of the documents and return the originals to you.

3. MSI staff will request the student's records from their previous school.

3. Congratulations! As soon as the records are received your student is enrolled at Midlands STEM!