
Warrior Way in the Library

Students are to behave in a respectable manner when entering and leaving the library. Students are expected to be responsible, respectful, and safe at all times. We treat each other with respect and we treat the books with respect as well. Remember, this is a lending library. All books want to be loved by as many patrons as possible. Please be considerate, do not keep books if you are not reading them. You can always ask for a pass to come to the library to return and check out a new book. 

YA Book Check Out

Young adult books have their own section in the library for students in grades six through eight. These books are placed in this section as the content may not be suitable for all readers. Fifth grade students may read a young adult title if interested by having a form signed by parents. The form may be found here

Checkout Policy

I believe that all students should have as many books as they can reasonably read, carry, and take care of. The following parameters are followed to ensure students are taking care of books appropriately.

K: 1 book

1st grade: 2 books (Accelerated Reader Books is at the discretion of the teacher)

2nd grade: 5 books (Accelerated Reader Books is at the discretion of the teacher)

3rd - 8th : 5 books

Of course, if students need more for researching for a project, this will be allowed. 

Students should return books when they are finished reading them. Please return a book if it's sitting in class or at home and you're not reading it. If you are enjoying a book, keep it until you are finished. 

If a student has more than 2 late books, you may not check out any more books until you bring them back or pay for lost books. 

Lost and Damaged Books

You will be responsible for any lost of damaged books. Damaged books include water stains, food stuck to pages, mold, etc. If a book is lost, please contact the school to inform what book is lost.

If a book is damaged or lost, you will be responsible to pay $10 per book for replacement costs. 

Any charges for books will be added to students accounts to be paid through the parent portal.