Reading Corner

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

~ Dr. Seuss

Scholastic Book Club

The gift of a book is the best thing anyone can ever give a child. Scholastic Book Clubs can help increase your child’s book collection in their home library. They offer a wide variety of books to read and information to discover.

Each month you will receive a packet of Scholastic Book Club flyer. Look through the flyers with your child. If there are books you would like to is easy as pie, just choose an ordering option that is good for you.

Ordering Option #1: The Easiest Option!!!

You can order online using a credit card. This is the easiest option to do. Visit the website Type in our “Class Activation Code” H22V6. The website will guide you through the ordering process.

Ordering Option #2

You can send in the paper order form, found on the back of each Scholastic Book Club flyer. Cash or check (payable to Rocky River Elementary School, please no checks to Scholastic Book Club) are accepted. Place the order form and payment into an envelope label, “Scholastic Book Club Order” and your child’s name. If you order from multiple flyers, combine the total amount into one check.

If you have any questions concerning Scholastic Book Club ordering, please contact me.

Enjoy reading with your child!!!