It hits you like the second cookie...

Post date: Mar 12, 2017 10:41:08 PM

Ever been at a conference or meeting and had that 2nd cookie at your coffee break? The first one was delightfully sweet. Dipped in your coffee it lulls you into a sense of bliss. You thoughtlessly waddle (you have been sitting most of the day, so waddling is all you can do) over to the buffet again and grab another cookie. Twenty minutes later, your overwhelmed by the sugar and feel like slipping into oblivion. I am in Seattle for the IB workshop on Getting Connected and Authentic Global Learning Practices and it is my second cookie moment.

We are learning about being connected in today's digital age. I have been tweeting, using padlet, seesaw, blogging, reading blogs, signing up on skype. I have explored hashtags, creative commons, itse standards, bibme and purdue's OWL program. Being a globally connected educator can feel like having that second cookie. All the options sound good. Watch out though, after being seduced by the latest program or app which promises global connectivity, I am now slipping into a stupor.

We have a quote which has been up since the first day of this session which now resonates with me, "Try one thing at a time and make it work." I have started tweeting this year and my goal this year is to make that work. Twitter and today, blogging.


I have already seen parents in my room more connected to what we are doing through the use of twitter. Next step with twitter? Students tweeting. Next step with blogging...students blogging. One cookie at a time.