U.S.Customs - What to Expect

Follow the Signs to Passport Control

Upon your arrival to the airport, follow the signage that directs you to international arrivals, immigration, and customs.

Your first stop will be at passport control, where you’ll encounter two separate lines: one for U.S. Citizens, and one for Foreign Citizens. Get in the appropriate line, and keep your smartphone packed away – photography and cell phone usage are not allowed in this high-security area.

At most airports, passport control is now automated.

You’ll step up to the next available kiosk and scan the photo page of your passport face down on a reader and enter information on the customs form on the touch screen.

On the touch screen form, you’ll be asked a series of questions – and ideally, you want to answer “NO” on every one. These questions might include

Yes or No - Are you traveling on a business (work-related) trip?

Yes or No - Are you bringing with you:

Fruits, plants, food, or insects?

Meats, animals, or animal/wildlife products?

Disease agents, cell cultures, or snails?

Soil or have you visited a farm/ranch/pasture outside the United States?

Yes or No - Have you or any family members traveling with you been in close proximity of (such as touching or handling) livestock outside the United States?

Yes or No - Are you or any family members traveling with you bringing $10,000 or more in U.S. dollars or foreign equivalent in any form into the United States?

If you are bringing back more than $800 in souvenirs, (one liter of alcohol, 200 cigarettes, or 100 cigars for adult travelers ONLY) – Customs regulations require you to declare these items in the form and pay tax on them at the airport.

You'll be prompted to center your face on the screen and your picture will be taken. You’ll then be allowed to proceed.

When you reach the front of the line, hand the officer your passport.

You may be asked a few questions about your trip. Be polite and respectful. The officer will review your passport and customs form and return your passport to you.

Grab Your Stuff at Baggage Claim

Even if you are connecting to another flight, you’ll pick up your checked luggage at Baggage Claim. Find the screens to determine the correct carousel number for your flight, and then wait for your luggage to shoot out onto the belt. Make sure you have the right bags, and proceed to Customs.

Cruise Through Customs

As you approach Customs, you’ll see green lanes marked “Nothing to Declare” and red lanes marked “Goods to Declare.” Choose the appropriate one, and get in line. If you have nothing to declare, you’ll hand your form to an officer and stroll out the exit. If you do have items to declare, you’ll have to pay tax on them before you leave the airport.

Bags and Your Person Getting Searched? No Big Deal

At any point in this process, you may be pulled aside for a bag search and a pat down. Don’t freak out – if you travel enough, you’re bound to have this happen to you sooner or later. Consider it a merit badge on your growing list of travel experiences!

Answer the officer’s questions in a straightforward manner. They will give you a physical pat down, ask you to remove your shoes, will rifle through your belongings looking for contraband, and then you’ll be cleared to put on your shoes, re-pack your things, and continue out the exit.

Proceed to Your Final Destination

If you are catching another flight, follow the signs towards “Connecting Flights.” Make sure your bags are marked with the airport code of your final destination, and drop them onto the conveyor belt.

If you are at your final destination: welcome home!