Recording Devices


In an effort to ensure student safety and maintain discipline, the Manchester School District may place video and/or audio recording devices (hereinafter “recording devices”) on any or all buses used to provide transportation for district students. Use of audio and/or video recordings (hereinafter “recordings”) made on buses shall be governed by the procedures established below.


Signs indicating that all actions and conversations taking place in the interior of a bus may be recorded shall be in a conspicuous location on all buses. In addition, notification that recording devices may be in operation on buses shall be placed in student handbooks.

Length of Time Recording Shall Be Retained

No recording shall be retained for longer than 10 school days unless the district determines that the recording is relevant to a disciplinary proceeding or a court requires retention. Before the 10-day period has elapsed, recordings may be destroyed or taped-over unless a disciplinary complaint requiring retention is made.

Right to Review Recordings

Recordings of incidents that are the subject of disciplinary complaints shall be viewed only by school administrators, representatives of the company contracted to provide bus service, and the parents or legal guardians of any student against whom a recording is being used in a disciplinary proceeding. Only those portions of the recording relevant to the incident resulting in a complaint shall be reviewed.

Ownership of Recordings

The Manchester School District shall own any images and sounds downloaded from the recording devices and shall treat recordings in accord and with all applicable federal and state laws governing privacy.

Public Hearing Requirement

The Board of School Committee shall hold a public hearing to determine whether audio recording should be authorized on school buses.

References: NHRSA 570-A:2

Date of Public Hearing: 11/13/06

Coordination Committee: 10/06

Board of School Committee: 11/06