Bambu Lab X1C Self-Guided Training

(Moving over content from a Google Doc to make this easier to maintain in a single place, this is not ready for primetime yet so hang tight)


This guide provides basic self-guided training to get MakeIt Lab members up and running on our Bambu Lab X1C printers. 


You must ensure you meet one of these two prerequisites before staring training:

You will also need access to a computer where you can either install or run Bambu Studio. This software is installed on the 3D room computer as well as the CAD station in the Cleanspace by the printer, so if you do not have a computer use one of these machines during training.


The guide is broken into 5 main sections:

In many areas links to YouTube video or other web content will be linked instead of retyping it in this guide. This guide may also repeat some information in multiple locations to emphasize things most important to MakeIt Labs use.


Printer - Capabilities and Specifications

The X1C is a Core XY based printer capable of high speed printing (300mm/s), with a heated bed, 10x10x10in  (256x256x256mm) build area, hardened steel nozzle for supporting a wide variety of filaments, auto-levelling, vibration compensation, AI detection of errors, flexible PEI-coated Build Plates, and more.

Additionally, the X1Cs are equipped with the Bambu AMS system, which  makes loading filament easy, holds up to 4 spools of filament and can automatically detect the type (and color) of filament when using Bambu Lab RFID's filament spools. The AMS means all filament changes are automatic, so different colors or materials can be loaded in and the printer will unload and load the materials as directed by the software. This is discussed in more detail later. 

The printer has a touchscreen for basic operations, such as unloading filament, as well as being LAN connected to the Bambu Studio software and cloud connected for remote troubleshooting by the RM.


The X1C supports a wide variety of filaments, due to its high temperature hardened nozzle and extruder setup. This includes:

Note: See the FAQ section for more information on when you may want to use a particular filament type, however in general most prints can do very well with just PLA or PETG.

All of the materials above, except for TPU and PPS-CF, are available in RFID'd spools from Bambu, and this is important because during the first few months of operation we will only be allowing Bambu Labs RFID'd filament in these printers. There are three specific reasons:

The "Plug and Play" aspect is simple - when you load filament into the AMS, the RFID tells the system what material and color you are using, automating all behaviors. Put in Black PETG instead of Black PLA by mistake? The system will adjust so it prints in PETG just fine. This allows us to have a known, working set of optimized base profiles for every material and color.

When looking at filaments on the Bambu Lab Filament Page the RFID symbol indicates the spool i compatible with the AMS and can be used at MakeIt Labs:

Filament - Cost

To keep costs down we are implementing a "pay by use" option for these printers - MakeIt Labs will keep a stock of commonly used colors and materials ( to the best of our ability) and then you only pay for the cost of the material you use, at the lowest price we can get it for. That way when we buy in bulk, we can pass those savings on.

When creating a print, you an easily see the cost of the print in the material you have chosen 

You are also welcome to bring in your own Bambu Lab RFID'd spools and use those, please see Operations notes under "Preparing your project" when choosing this option as you must ensure you name your file correctly to avoid being charged.

Software - Bambu Studio (follow the online content)

To avoid retyping content, the official guide for getting started with Bambu Studio is: 

It covers: 

Be sure to read the entire online quickstart, as it covers important basics.

Software  - Installation Addendums 

If you are installing a copy of Bambu Studio at home for use with MakeIt Labs printers:

This will help ensure any projects you create are set up for the correct printer and available materials.

Rules and Guidelines

As these printers are brand-new and offer some unique and highly-requested capabilities, our goal is to ensure they are as available and functional as possible for all users. To that end, the following rules and guidelines apply:

Basic Operation

Check the printer

When getting ready to print, the printer should have been left in a cleaned up state by the last user. This means:

If this is not the case, please reset the printer to the cleaned up state before use, and notify the 3D printing RM so the previous user can be reminded of their responsibilities if they want to keep using the printers. Repeated failure to follow cleanup guidelines will result in suspension of a user's permission to use any MakeIt Labs 3d printers. It's quick, it's easy, so just do your part folks.

Load Bambu Lab RFID'd filament

One of the most common issues with 3d printing is settings for each material. Not only do bad settings cause print defects, they can cause jams and machine issues. To make it easier for users and volunteers, currently ONLY Bambu Labs RFID'd spools can be used in the printer. Over time we will relax this rule, and if you have a special circumstance that requires a different material please contact the RM for assistance.

By looking at the Bambu Lab filament web page you can easily see what filaments are RFID'd and can be loaded:

To load the Filament:

Reference images are shown below


Important notes on slicing

When you are using Bambu Studio:

Generating supports (online content)

Generating supports in Bambu Studio has numerous options. See the following guide for details:


As you have seen in the Bambu Studio Quick Start:

The job will then be sent over the LAN and Cloud services to the printer - no SD cards or drives are used.


Once you have sent the job to the Printer,  there is a 4-5 minute warmup and bed levelling period.  This will result in some vibration noise and movement, but if anything seems off go to the "Device" tab in Bambu Studio, select the printer and hit "Pause" or "Stop".

Once the printer warmup period completes, the first layer will begin printing. Watch this for any potential adhesion issues.

Once the first layer completes, the machine will perform an A-assisted layer check. If this reports an error, which i may even with small deformities such as a loose strand on a corner, visually inspect the first layer yourself and if it seem very minor (one tiny gap in a spot, one extra thread hanging loose, etc) ignore it and cntinue. Otherwise cancel the print and let the build plate cool before removing the material and cleaning the build plate.

When a print completes, allow the Build plate to get below 40C. You can check the temperature either on the Touchscreen or in Bambu Studio. When it is cooled to this point, gently lift up and pull out the magnetic build plate. Let it sit for another minute to cool further (near 30C) then gently flex the build plate in two different directions and the print should be easy to pull off. If not, try flexing it slightly more, then use a plastic scraper from the 3D tool cart if needed.


Clean and reset

With the print removed from the build plate, several cleaning tasks must be done before leaving the print room.

Clean the build plate

Unload the AMS

Whenever Filament operations happen at the nozzle, the clean/purge routine wipes the nozzle and deposits it out the back of the machine, where it is caught in the 3d printed "poop chute" that is placed to catch it. If you used only regular, Silk or Matte PLA please empty the poop chute into the "Filament Recycle" bin. If you used any other materials please empty it into the trash.

Advanced Operations

Multicolor prints

With 4 colors of the same material loaded into the AMS, Bambu Studio can map different objects, or different parts of one object, to different colors. This can happen in one of two ways:

The second use case is more universal, and many prebuilt project files on MakerWorld and other sites will come with "precolored" objects that have already been painted.

As this is a detailed procedure with a lot of variables, a separate guide is provided for this use case: (Insert Multicolor printing link when done)

Specialized Support Materials

Bambu sells special support material for use with variou filaments. While the support structures generated by the software typically remove extremely well, some more delicate structures or complex geometries may benefit from dedicated support materials which are soluble or less firmly attached to the model.

In this case all that is necessary is to load an RFID'd support filament spool, and then in the Slicing settings, under "Support",  indicate which filament should be used for supports:

Multiplate Projects

Sometimes winstead of just one file t print, you may have a project with many files. Bambu Studio supports having multiple build Plates defined in a single project file, allowing you to keep the entire project, and any custom settings, easily organized. You can then select which Build plate you want to slice and print at any time. This can also be useful when printing multiples of an object, to have one test plate for a single copy of the object and check settings first.


When to use specific filament types?

Bambu has a page which provides more information on their filaments, but in case that page goes away the brief visual overview is copied here:

How do I check much a print will cost if using MakeIt Labs materials?

Make sure you have selected the right filament type, and under both the "Color Scheme: Line Type" and "Color scheme: Filament" options there will be a "Cost" entry. Pro members will be charged 10% less than the price shown.

How soon after printing will I be charged, and what if there's a discrepancy?

Print records are stored automatically, and currently processed once a week  as we work on the code for automation.  As the system is brand new, we expect there to be some bug fixes and learning curves all around. If you encounter issues or have questions/suggestions about billing please contact the RM so we can make improvements where needed.

How to request we stock a particular filament type?

Post a request on #resource-3dprinting. The more people that want it, the sooner we'll order some. We'll typically have basic PLA and PETG, some ASA and at least one fiber-reinforced filament, but eventually will stock as many as possible.

What if I need to print something that doesn't come on a Bambu RFID spool, or is not AMS-compatible (eg TPU)?

Send a message to the RM. Some filaments, such as Bambu Lab or SainSmart 95A TPU, are known to work with the printer, but do not work with the AMS.  Use of non-AMs filaments will be considered on a case-by-case basis - it has the potential to cause issues for others, so may not be done without explicit approval and guidance on load/unload/settings.

If a print fails, will I still be charged?

Anything that fails with first layer issues will not be charged, as barely any material was used.

Okay, I read it all, how do I get authorized?

Follow these steps: