About Us

Mainland connect is a group of volunteers and professionals that work together to bring addiction services and information to the community.

Mainland Connect will provide services for people seeking recovery with respect to addiction and recovery information, treatment options, and information on community based programs. We connect people to recovered alcoholics and addicts and give first hand experiences with different types of support solutions. We use social media platforms, e mail, web sites, and private messaging to connect people with the next step for changing a life.

Mainland Connect is a both product & service business. Mainland Connect has an online store where recovery-based products can be purchased to help with funding of a growing society. We will sell books, t-shirts, gifts, and other items.

In addition to providing information support Mainland Connect would like to open support recovery homes across the Province of British Columbia with the help and support of our Community and Fraser Health.

In 2016 the Fentanyl crisis hit British Columbia. The homeless population exploded, and people began to look for answers to the problems of homelessness and addiction. I saw a need to streamline the addiction support services so people can easily connect to the vast network of volunteers within the recovery community.

Mainland Connect is in the process of developing social media groups that will bring people together with the information needed to find a safe place to begin recovery. I have added a list of support recovery alternatives and information on recovery meetings in the community. We are working on a recovery model for support recovery homes in British Columbia.